Blessing of the Bicycles
Every year we have a Blessing of the Bicycles. It's a time to celebrate being conscious of our transportation choices and the impact they make on the world. We also bless canes, crutches, wheelchairs, and anything else that helps move you around without electricity or gas. And afterward we have pizza.
Sacramental Community
HFASS is a sacramental community, which means we love communion and baptisms. Rooted in Lutheran theology, we believe these are gifts of God and we give them freely to anyone who wants.
Park(ing) Day
Park(ing) Day is a time when people take over parking spaces and use them for something other than cars. Some folks make parks out of them, others make their offices there for the day, we had Eucharist. We believe that God's table is open to everyone without exception... even in parking spaces. 

...a group of folks figuring out how to be a liturgical,
Christo-centric, social justice-oriented, queer-inclusive,
incarnational, contemplative, irreverent, ancient / future
church with a progressive but deeply rooted theological imagination. More...
Christo-centric, social justice-oriented, queer-inclusive,
incarnational, contemplative, irreverent, ancient / future
church with a progressive but deeply rooted theological imagination. More...

5pm Sundays @ South Broadway Christian Church
23 Lincoln St., Denver, CO 80203
The latest worship times and locations during COVID-19
23 Lincoln St., Denver, CO 80203
The latest worship times and locations during COVID-19

Church tonight at 5 pm! And we've got a baptism! Join us online at http://Facebook.com/houseforall . Here's the liturgy. Hymns are in the back.
August 1, 2021 at 9:19am by @hfass

Second Sunday of Advent tonight at 5 PM. Bring an Advent Wreath (or just a couple candles), a cup of hot cocoa and join us. Kate will be preaching.
December 6, 2020 at 3:33pm by @hfass

Voices in the Darkness: Advent 2020 >> Advent Waiting Room, Gospel Read A-Loud, Las Posadas & more
November 28, 2020 at 10:11am by @hfass

Reformation Sunday on Zoom at 5 PM. Wear red!
October 25, 2020 at 12:35pm by @hfass

Morning Prayer at 7 this morning (Mountain Time). All are welcome. See you there!
August 5, 2020 at 7:01am by @hfass